About Library
Dr. V.S. Krishna Library is the central library of Andhra University with two branch libraries i.e., (i) Engineering College Library, (ii) Law College Library working under its control.
Librarian : Prof. P. Venkateswarlu
Librarian(Ph) : 91-891-2844255
Office : 91-891-284 4127
Email : librarian@andhrauniversity.edu.in
Manuscript Collection
The library possesses a collection of 2,663 rare and valuable manuscripts mode of palm as well as leaf paper and original copy of the Constitution of India, signed by Members of the then Parliament.
Dr. V.S. Krishna Library has 60,000 sq. ft. (5574.18 sq. m.) of Carpet area. Besides the work and stock areas, each section has seating and reading facility to enable the user to choose and refer to the books comfortably. All the rooms are spacious with good ventilation. According to the need and convenience, one finds different seating arrangements. The seating arrangement is user friendly. To provide sufficient scope for optimum interaction among the users a seminar/group discussion room is provided. At a time 500 users can be seated in the library. The library is kept open on all days in the year including Sundays, except on national holidays and on days declared as holiday by the University. The library works in three shifts.
The Engineering College Library situated in the North Campus has a plinth area of 8,000 sq. ft. (743.22 sq. m.) with a seating capacity of 150. The Engineering College Library has 64,407 volumes and 96 Computer Systems. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Law College situated in South Campus has a plinth area of 3400 sq. ft. (315.87 sq. m.) with a seating capacity of 61. The Law College Library has 16,500 volumes.
The library is effectively using SOUL software. Special facilities are provided for differently abled persons. A separate unit of books in Braille has been developed for visually challenged students. Reprographic facilities are provided.